Tag: Master Michael Muleta Page 1 of 2

ITF New Zealand Black Belt grading

New Zealand ITF Black Belt Grading

New Zealand ITF Black Belt Grading

New Zealand ITF gradings

A successful weekend of New Zealand ITF Black Belt gradings and training was conducted by Master Michael Muleta, 8th Degree Under Secretary of the International Taekwon-Do Federation and President/Technical Director of United ITF Taekwon-Do.

The training and testing events were held in Queenstown, New Zealand and hosted by Kman’s Martial Arts, which is operated by multiple ITF World Champion, Kerry (K’man) McEvoy.

Students were put through a vigorous series of exercises and drills, over the course of 2 days, leading up to the final showcase on Saturday 4th March, at Kman’s Martial Arts centre.

The day consisted of lots of sparring, breaking, patterns, step sparring and demonstrations of skill sets. All performed with much spirit and skill to successful complete the testing process.

The testing panel consisted of Master Michael Muleta, Sabum Kerry McEvoy and special guest Sensei Barry Potter.

Congratulations to our newest New Zealand ITF Black Belts :

  • Diego Hernández, 3rd Degree
  • Marcin Kukialka, 1st Degree
  • Josh Bleakley, 1st Degree


New Zealand ITF 2 New Zealand ITF 3


taekwondo resources

New Black Belts

New Black Belts – Congratulations

new black belts

Congratulations to all the new black belts who were tested and successfully promoted over the past 2 weeks in both Newcastle and Rockhampton.

Master Michael Muleta, 8th Degree, travelled to Newcastle, NSW early June to conduct some Black Belt Examinations and an ITF Masterclass at the Titan Martial Arts school. Some black belts had also been promoted the week before, by Sabum Michael Omay.

Those promoted included:

  • Michael Omay 6th Degree
  • Scott Gannon, 5th Degree
  • Sam Wilson, 5th Degree
  • Alex Sorensen, 4th Degree
  • Simon Aliendi, 3rd Degree
  • James Magill, 3rd Degree
  • Chris Streets, 3rd Degree
  • Archer Woller, 2nd degree
  • Tim Kerkhoff, 2nd Degree
  • Maclean Davis, 1st Degree
  • Travis Charlton, 1st Degree
  • Sapphire Tabas, 1st Degree
  • Tiarne Sattler, 1st Degree
  • Kalleah Sattler, 1st Degree
  • Amy Burke, 1st Degree
  • Jerrome Teasdale, 1st Degree

The following week, Master Muleta travelled to Rockhampton for more Masterclasses and a Black Belt grading. The successful new Black belt promotion was:

  • Nikki Olzard, 3rd Degree

new black belts rockhampton

The next round of Black Belt exams and Masterclasses with Master Muleta will be held in Canberra, ACT over the weekend on 8-10th, July 2022.

Those interested in attending can REGISTER HERE


To book your ITF Black Belt testing or ITF Masterclass with Master Michael Muleta for your school CONTACT US

ITF events tournaments

National Umpire Course Online

National Umpire Course Online

National Umpire Course

As a result of Melbourne’s extended COVID 19 lockdowns and restrictions, we will be conducting this weekend’s National Umpire Course online, via the Zoom platform. (note: zoom is free, but you must sign up for an account)

Sunday 13th June, 2021 from 10.00am

Streamed Live on ZOOM

Master Michael Muleta, 8th Degree Technical Director for United ITF Taekwon-Do Australia will be conducting a United ITF sanctioned National ITF Umpiring course on Sunday 13th June, 2021.

Students of all ages and ranks are welcome to take part in the session and will be issued C-class National Umpire certification.

Students will learn the Umpire rules and application of rules as they pertain to domestic United ITF state and national championships.

Participants will be able to assist in officiating upcoming 2021 United ITF Taekwon-Do events including Queensland Championships (August), ACT Championships (July) and Australian Championships (October).

The session will cover all ITF events – Sparring, Patterns, Special Techniques, Power, both team and individual.

We ask that participants familiarize themselves with ITF Umpire Rules prior to the session so as we can move through the session in a time effective manner.

It is a useful session not only for officials, but also for competitors and coaches.

As it is a participation based seminar, spectators and filming is not permitted.



ITF events tournaments

ITF Events are back in Australia

ITF Events are back in Australia

ITF events

After a tough 12 months across the Globe, not just in the Taekwon-Do community, but across all sectors, we are pleased to announce ITF Events are back in person.

With Australia doing such a great job in containing and controlling the spread of COVID-19, it has allowed us the luxury of returning to face to face ITF events, when much of the World is still heavily restricted or locked down.

After months of zooming or glooming, we are finally back in action.

We have scheduled ITF seminars, ITF tournaments, gradings and social events where we can all get together once again, and celebrate Taekwon-Do.

We look forward to seeing you all in person, in dobok on the dojang floor and competition mats.

Upcoming ITF Events in Australia include:



3 hour seminar

All ages and all ranks are welcome to attend our seminars and masterclasses, contact the seminar instructor or event host for registration details.

Saturday 15th May, 2021

Master Michael Muleta – ITF Masterclass – Mildura, Victoria

Saturday 12th June, 2021

Master Michael Muleta – ITF Masterclass – Rockhampton, Queensland (Register)

Saturday 11th July, 2021

Master Michael Muleta – ITF Masterclass – Canberra, ACT


ITF events tournaments

Tournaments are open to all ages and ranks, and we welcome and encourage all members to take part. There are categories to suit everyone from sparring, patterns, breaking and special techniques, along with some additional events.

Saturday 2nd October, 2021

United ITF National Championships – Melbourne, Victoria

National Selection Trials for 2022 ITF World Championships*

(* INO#23 members only)

Social Functions

ITF events social

Saturday 2nd October, 2021

United ITF Australia – 20th Anniversary Celebration – Melbourne, Victoria


To book a seminar for your school or region, please contact us





self defense manual

Self Defense Manual

Self Defense Manual

We are pleased to announce the release of the first volume of our Self Defense Manual.

The Self Defense Manual is in EBook format and includes 36 pages of easy to follow, but effective, sequences and video links.

The manual is intended to be a useful learning resource for instructors and students alike, to assist them in their own lessons, demonstrations or grading preparations.

The Manual includes step by step-by-step photos accompanied by corresponding step-by-step instructions.

Enjoy some samples below.

Contents include:

  • Self Defense against Single Lapel grab
  • Self Defense against Twin lapel grab
  • Self Defense against Rear Shoulder grab
  • Self Defense against a Front Choke
  • Self Defense against a Rear Choke
  • Self Defense against Side Headlock
  • Self Defense against Rear Bear Hug
  • Self Defense against a Charging Opponent
  • Self Defense against a Jab / Cross combination
  • Self Defense against a Front Kick
  • Self Defense after being Felled
  • Self Defense against Straight Knife Thrust
  • Self Defense against Punch / Front Kick combination
  • 2 vs 1 Self Defense (Rear Shoulder Grab)
  • Self Defense against Horizontal Knife Attack
  • 2 vs 1 Self Defense (Lapel Grab & Straight Punch)

Purchase Manual Here

Here are some sequences I have used in my own schools. I hope you find some of them useful.


Michael Muleta8th Degree


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Website sponsored by – Global Fitness Institute

grading syllabus

Black Belt Grading Manual Updated

Black Belt Grading Manual Updated

1st – 3rd Degree


Gup Grading Manual ebook

We are pleased to announce that we have made updates to our Black Belt Grading Manual : 1st – 3rd Degree ebook, which is a useful resource for all club instructors and students alike.

The updated version includes video links to all Patterns, Step Sparring, Model Sparring, Foot Sparring and Self Defense routines to assist students preparing for testings up to 1st Degree Black Belt.

The 1st – 3rd Degree Black Belt Grading Manual ebook is available in our Online Store


The 1st – 3rd Degree Black Belt Grading Manual ebook sets out suggested testing requirements to achieve rank advancement in ITF Taekwon-Do. You are free to adopt fully, or modify where you feel necessary.

Gradings are an important aspect of any martial arts training as they should indicate and measure the student’s proficiency in that art, and allow further learning to take place. Gradings should be a test of technical ability, knowledge, indomitable spirit, courage, and attitude.

The Grading syllabus outlines all areas that need to be fulfilled in order to test for rank promotion: these requirements include Patterns, Fundamental movements (Blocking, Kicking, Striking, Stances), Sparring, Breaking Techniques, Terminology and Theory, Self Defense and any additional requirements.

Also note that active training time and attendance requirements are also set out and should be adhered to.

The grading syllabus is designed specifically for all ITF schools to be able to incorporate, encompassing a wide range of self-defense oriented movements and theories, whilst also being consistent with the International Taekwon-Do Federation’s requirements.


global fitness institute

© Global Fitness Institute 2020

Reproduction or on-selling strictly forbidden

Step Sparring

Step Sparring Manual Updated

Step Sparring Manual Updated


Step Sparring

We are pleased to announce that we have made updates to our Step Sparring Manual Ebook, which is a useful resource for all club instructors and students alike.

The updated version includes video links to all 1 Step Sparring, 2 Step Sparring and 3 Step Sparring routines to assist students preparing for testings up to 1st Degree Black Belt.

Additonally, we have a step-by-step description of each sequence to help instructors teach, and students self learn.

We have also update some of the sequences themselves.

The Gup Grading Manual ebook is available in our Online Store


What is Step Sparring ?

There are several types of sparring in Taekwondo, from free sparring (not choreographed) to pre-arranged sparring. 1, 2 and 3 Step Sparring are all forms of pre-arranged sparring.

Prearranged Sparring (Yaksok Matsogi)

It is practiced as the name denotes, under prearranged modes with various assumptions, for example:

  • the number of steps to be taken
  • the target to be attacked
  • the attacking tool to be used
  • are agreed upon beforehand between the players

Step Sparring teaches the student to apply their fundamental movements in both attacking and defensive mode, from a variety of angles and stances, whilst moving forwards and backwards.

Students should commence with 3 step sparring (alone) first, to develop both left and right sides of the body. The student would then progress to 3 step sparring with a partner/opponent to apply these movements against another person.

3 step sparring was regarded as the most important form of sparring by the Founder, as it helped the student developed their techniques at the correct angle and distance in relation to the attacker/target.

The complexity of the sequences, and the techniques used in step sparring, generally increases as the student progresses in rank and ability.

Two step sparring enables the student to incorporate both hand and foot techniques into their pre-arranged sparring sequences, both in attacking and defensive modes.

The most difficult and spontaneous form of Step Sparring is One step Sparring, where the student must react immediately.

Whilst many schools don’t have a set choreography or sequence to follow, I always felt from a teaching and examining quality consistency point of view, it was better to have all students follow a pre-designed format, just as they do in patterns, to allow comparison and correction.

Here are some sequences I have used in my own schools. I hope you find some of them useful.


Michael Muleta8th Degree


Website sponsored by – Global Fitness Institute

Gup Grading Manual ebook

Gup Grading Manual Updated

Gup Grading Manual Updated


Gup Grading Manual ebook

We are pleased to announce that we have made updates to our Gup Grading Manual ebook, which is a useful resource for all club instructors and students alike.

The updated version includes video links to all Patterns, Step Sparring and Self Defense routines to assist students preparing for testings up to 1st Degree Black Belt.

The Gup Grading Manual ebook is available in our Online Store




The Gup Grading Manual ebook sets out suggested testing requirements to achieve rank advancement in ITF Taekwon-Do. You are free to adopt fully, or modify where you feel necessary.

Gradings are an important aspect of any martial arts training as they should indicate and measure the student’s proficiency in that art, and allow further learning to take place. Gradings should be a test of technical ability, knowledge, indomitable spirit, courage, and attitude.

The Grading syllabus outlines all areas that need to be fulfilled in order to test for rank promotion: these requirements include Patterns, Fundamental movements (Blocking, Kicking, Striking, Stances), Sparring, Breaking Techniques, Terminology and Theory, Self Defence and any additional requirements.

Also note that active training time and attendance requirements are also set out and should be adhered to.

The grading syllabus is designed specifically for all ITF schools to be able to incorporate, encompassing a wide range of self-defense oriented movements and theories, whilst also being consistent with the International Taekwon-Do Federation’s requirements.


global fitness institute

© Global Fitness Institute 2020

Reproduction or on-selling strictly forbidden

happy birthday

Happy Birthday GM Choi Jung Hwa

happy birthday

Happy Birthday GM Choi Jung Hwa

Wishing a very Happy Birthday to the President of the International Taekwon-Do Federation, Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa on behalf of myself & all members of United ITF Taekwon-Do Australia, and the ITF.

We thank you for you continued leadership, guidance and inspiration, especially through these challenging times.

It is our continued honour and privilege to represent the Son of Taekwon-Do.


Michael Muleta, ITF Under Secretary and INO #23 President 

” When I perform Tul, I feel my brothers and sisters world-wide moving in unison, I am not alone. When I perform Tul, I hear my father voice guiding me as if he were standing next to me. I hear his words of advise given at the most appropriate times as if he knows my troubles and is responding to them. I am blessed as are all practitioners who can put their hands on their heart and say they train in earnest and with pure intentions. ” – ITF President, Choi Jung Hwa

Click Here to Read the Choi Jung Hwa Bio 

Click here to visit the Choi Jung Hwa photo gallery 

In 2018, Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa was inducted as ‘Legend of Taekwon-Do’ in the Australasian ITF Hall Of Fame.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel


Check out our Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa Photo Gallery



tkd collage

Corona Virus 5 ways you can benefit

Corona Virus – 5 ways you can benefit

corona virus

With the onset of the Corona Virus and the major adjustments to our lifestyles, many people are finding the going tough.

With many schools and businesses closed, many people have been forced to stay home, and many have lost their jobs.

All of this fades into insignificance, of course, when compared to those who have lost their lives or suffered serious illness.

The purpose of this article and accompanying video, however, is the focus on some of the beneficial outcomes of the corona virus experience.

Master Michael Muleta, from his home in Australia, talks about the many potential good things that have and may come from the forced changes to our lifestyles.

As ITF Under Secretary and Global Fitness Institute CEO, Master Muleta discusses impact of business, personal and our general appreciation of life itself.

1-  We have developed a resilience we may not have known we possessed
2 – We have discovered more efficient ways of living, working, and existing
3 – We have learnt our way of life can never be taken for granted again
4 – We have saved a fortune on travel, gambling, entertainment, socializing etc
5 – We have had time to do all those odd jobs we never had time for before

But most of all, and most importantly, we have learnt to appreciate the simple things in life – space, freedom and each other.

So hang in there my friends, we’ll get through this, and I look forward to seeing you all in person again real soon.

– Michael Muleta

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