International ITF Seminar – Grandmaster Trevor Nicholls
An International ITF Seminar is being conducted by Grandmaster Trevor Nicholls on November 2nd – 3rd, 2024.
The seminar is being held in Ballarat, Victoria. Register using the form at the bottom of this page.
London based 9th Degree, Grandmaster Nicholls in the Senior Vice President, and Secretary General of the International Taekwon-Do Federation.
He has constantly travelled across the World delivering International ITF seminar programs over more than 2 decades.
He will be assisted by United ITF Taekwon-Do Australia (INO23) President & Technical Director, Master Michael Muleta.
The Seminar will have International Instructor Course status, meaning those above 4th Degree will be eligible for International Instructor certification, upon completion.
For those who already possess an International Instructor Certificate, it will satisfy the requirement for the mandatory International ITF Seminar participation to maintain status, every 3 years.
As Australia has only had one IIC since 2013, All students, all ages and all ranks are encouraged to attend.
It is an expectation that all instructors, and senior black belts will attend as part of their development, and eligibility for senior testing at a later date.
All those above Blue Belt must complete both days.
Children (under 12), and those up to Blue belt have the option to participate in Day 1 only.
Seminar Program
Saturday 2nd November
10.00am – 12.30pm – Session 1
12.30- 1.30pm LUNCH
1.30 – 4.00pm – Session 2
Sunday 3rd November
10.00am – 12.30pm – Session 1
12.30- 1.30pm LUNCH
1.30 – 4.00pm – Session 2
There will be a banquet planned for the Saturday evening, more details will be released when we have a better idea of how many clubs are supporting this event.
Pending applications and their eligibility, a Senior Black Belt testing may be held at the completion of Day 2.
A reminder all those from 4th Degree and above, must submit an application a minimum of 3 months prior to the proposed test date, for ITF to do due diligence on your eligibility and contribution to ITF activities. (3 months prior to the Seminar would be 3rd August, 2024)
Testing Application fee MUST be paid a minimum of 1 week prior to the testing date.
Contact your INO Secretary for application forms and required fees.