Taekwondo Shop
Our online Taekwondo shop contains essential items for the taekwondo student including taekwondo uniforms, martial arts protective equipment, ITF Lapel Pins, Taekwon-Do learning resources, colour belts, Instructors Shoulder patches and other taekwondo equipment.
Our store stocks some items of memorabilia for martial arts enthusiasts including magazines and other collectors items.
In the Taekwondo shop you can also book Instructor Workshops, ITF Masters Seminars and Personal Training sessions.
Our store includes learning resources to assist instructors and students alike, including Grading Manuals, Step Sparring and Self Defense ebooks, complete with step-by-step written instructions and video links.
Instructors who wish to run Self Defense, Boxing or Kickboxing short courses or incorporate into their classes or training sessions can learn a range of techniques and teaching methodology in one of our Global Trainer Instructor Workshops.
In the store, you can also Book your Taekwon-Do Seminars with Master Michael Muleta, available both domestically and internationally, with seminar content to suit your needs.
We have an assortment of ITF uniforms in various sizes with appropriate piping for International instructors, instructors and students.
We have a range of training equipment including kickshields, focus mits, mouthguards, shin guards, forearm guards and a selection of belts of various colours for junior and senior ranks.