Melbourne Seminars : Sparring & Umpiring
Master Michael Muleta will be conducting 2 Melbourne Seminars on Saturday 19th November at the ITF Centre of Excellence.
The first Seminar will be covering ITF Sparring and will focus on strategies, ring craft as well as attacking, counter attacking and simulated match play.
Where possible, participants are asked to bring their protective equipment for the Sparring Seminar.
The second session will be an ITF Umpiring session, where students will learn the Umpire rules and application of rules as they pertain to ITF championships.
we ask that participants familiarize themselves with ITF Umpire Rules prior to the session so as we can move through the session in a time effective manner.
It is a useful session not only for officials, but also for competitors and coaches.
ITF Umpiring Certification opportunities are available for those who participate in the course and then apply their skills the following day at the United ITF Victorian Championships in Geelong.
Both Melbourne Seminars are open to all ages and all ranks, and members of all ITF organizations are welcome to attend.
As it is a participation based seminar, spectators and filming is not permitted.
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